Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Who should pay for electric vehicles

Who should pay for the deployment of electric vehicles?
Chevrolet Volt
One day came the internal combustion vehicle (or engine), but did not move with infused knowledge. Needed gasoline or benzene liquids difficult to find in large quantities in the late nineteenth century. Over time that changed, and now we have gas stations in large numbers, another thing is to compete ...

Actually, there was the electric car before, but they had a similar problem. The energy was not anywhere, and there was only charging points. The same situation exists today, spent more than a hundred years (said quickly). The electric vehicle will cost off yet.

Although the typical electric car use will be based from home, with a private garage / collective outlet, a network is required to give freedom to users. Thats not all go from home to work, gym, schools and shopping centers. This requires creating an infrastructure but who has to pay it?

1. Pay electric vehicle owners
Currently the pioneers of electro that are paying a significant toll. As it is an expensive technology that still does not occur in bulk, suffer from a higher price. This is what has to be an early adopter (so they call it in the business world) or ahead of his time.
To exceed the purchase price, so is that of taxes, especially on the consumption, if the VAT. If there are already a few individuals willing to take the plunge, the last thing you want is to scare them, and that brings us to the granting of aid or benefits to those who dare.
These new customers see how the infrastructure is poor in implantation, but is free in many cases it is not convenient. It takes a series of cards, the charging point is open or operating, or simply that the shift manager know what youre talking about.
Volkswagen Golf E
2. Pay normal vehicle owners
The motorist, depending on the country, is more fried less taxes. In Spain, as in other European countries, is paid to buy the car, to keep, to repostarlo, each year, to enroll ... Just need to inject another tax to end our patience.
True, the motorist "conventional" is contributing to pollution, but not have to punish you. More than one would be able to afford the jump, but not yet the massive electrical and accessible alternative. So, for lack of bread, cakes are good.
The electric vehicle driver also pays a lot of taxes, but generally pay less than their neighbors. The most common is that all taxes are simply paying VAT, as almost everything else is fully or partially subsidized. Since we have been encouraged to take the plunge ...
Citroën C-Zero
3. Pay utilities
Another school says that the first interested in doing business are the electric energy companies. May seem logical that if both have interest, you pay out of your pocket and leave the taxpayer alone. But thats a trap, for who holds the power?
Award, his customers. Are those customers who will bear the burden, and as we talk about a service without which hardly anyone manages implies that everyone would pay. It will be a business, but today is not very helpful, especially if the first points of the network are offered free for that to encourage high.
In addition, the electrical business for both sell is electricity, but to obtain profitability of electricity that is being consumed at night or in areas valley. Recall that we have the energy system sized for the day when people tend to be awake and active.
Renautl ZOE
4. Pay all
If we analyze the electric vehicle as potentially beneficial to the entire community, it is more probable that you will pay the benefit of the infrastructure, and those who do not benefit (at least directly). Surely at some point end up benefiting.
Many people do not believe in the power and predicted its failure. In fact, they have already failed twice. The first was in the 20s, when cars were overshadowed by conventional mass production. The second time was 10 years ago, when he nearly makes them disappear ... until oil rose too.
Why these people have to pay for something they do not want or use? Good question. But what if you end up benefiting from it?

The infrastructure will come, one way or another
Recently approved in the European Union regulation that requires members to have a vehicle to grid conditions. Spain, in particular, must increase its charging points by 60 to reach 82,000 in less than seven years. Is calculated with faith-to be 2.5 million electric circulating in 2020.
A eupopeo level, citizens are likely to most of the costs are incurred by society as a whole, then the electrical conductors, followed by conventional vehicles, with a smaller fraction of contribution of energy companies. Thats what it says in a recent study.
Id say the load is being distributed now the government (society, in short) and energy companies. The tax burden on drivers has not changed under this excuse, but for most diverse motives: that if health, if the deficit, if ecotaxes ...

In my opinion, should be borne by society, in public, rather than private. My argument is based on the multiple benefits: less pollution (including noise), more balanced BOP, energy diversity, sustainability and other words that sound great.
If we take the noose to motorists, we would not be fair. With taxes that we are providing ample sufragamos economic impact of road traffic, not to mention the return you have. That is, the euro falling by leaving, not just an expense.
Moreover, the electrical infrastructure, rather than an expense, but an investment, because you have to think about the benefits it will bring, in the economic, health, balance of payments or other. The same could be said of the subsidies that are going to deploy electric vehicles.

"Whoever wants an electric car, I would pay"
One way for governments to encourage new buyers is relieve them of part of the purchase price. Depending on location, the aid could be very substantial, in some countries there have been EUR 10,000 cars, a remarkable reduction of the final price.
The problem of power is an issue of cost and autonomy. If we consider the issue of autonomy, is to see where it is profitable. Electricity, cheap maintenance, minor ... but you have to repay high cost. It will take many miles to get to even.
Helps significantly cut those deadlines. Right now in Spain, if we ignore the PIVE, hardly any aid. It is normal for all the needs that people have, this sector is clearly dispensable in the short term. The implementation is delayed but not abandoned. It just slows down.

Sure we rethink the suitability of the subject vehicles internal combustion itself had a couple of gas stations by population, and only in densely populated places. Neither would be easy, nor would it be practical. Well in that situation is the electric, only some will be loaded at least at home or work.
Gradually lowering the electric van, the technology matures and costs are decreasing. In addition, the infrastructure is growing, and the park begins to increase percentage-wise apace. In absolute terms are minority, but it is a very gradual change.

Bad time have "chosen" to raise the electric head in full global financial crisis. Like the sudden stop before 2004, this is only delaying the inevitable. The oil has to be replaced by alternatives in the absence of an alternative that is just as "good" at 100%.
electric car volvo
Most absurd things have been like to have fast Internet anywhere with mobile phones, or determining the position on the globe with an accuracy of a few meters (GPS). If we do not find alternatives to oil in a short time, our civilization safe walk towards collapse.
Like it or not, the electric vehicle is more than a passing fancy or a toy snob, is a real need for the densely populated areas. The train already realized this long ago, but has an advantage: you just have to electrify the tracks, much less extensive network in kilometers of roads and streets.
In the past, could not compete with the internal combustion engine. As you losing its competitiveness, electrical resume the role that always should have had, but that history delayed several years by A or B.

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